Selection Green tea New products Breakfast feast Jams, honeys and chocolate butter Butters and margarines Paste and cheese Cereals and bakery Sauce and beverages Diabetic friendly products Tea Around the hot cup Sugars (white, cane) and sweeteners Coffee cream, tea lemon, paper pads Chocolate and biscuits Instant drinks and HOT & CHOC Tea Sweets Chocolate and biscuits Candy, chocolate and other Non food / body care Hotel cosmetics Hotel Catering Dining Private label PRODUCT LIST(format PDF) DO YOU NEED HELP?Contact us Ingredients Real green tea Product details Article code: 70100777 Package dimensions (length): 135 mm Package weight: 75 g Package dimensions (width): 135 mm Package content: 50 x 1,5 g Package dimensions (height): 75 mm Palletization: 120 boxes on a pallet ( 6 pieces per box) next: Viatex fruit Fruit teae gastro ›